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Power, Authority, and Voice: Critical Reflections in/on Oral History

Appel à communication en vue du 7e Symposium International du Finnish Oral History Network

26-27 novembre 2020, Helsinki, Finlande

The notions of power, authority, and voice have been at the center of oral history research and practice from its inception. Oral history research is emblematically distinguished by its preoccupation with the voices from ‘the below’, having dedicated itself to the recording, collection, and analysis of memories, personal narratives, and histories of individuals and groups that would not have been heard otherwise. The concept of voice has implicitly referred to the nature of oral histories as recorded interviews, but more importantly, to issues of subjectivity, representation, and authority. In addition to recorded interviews, there has been increasing interest in various forms of life writings, as well as other forms of vernacular mnemonic practices online and offline. Even though the dialogic nature of data and knowledge production has been emphasized, analyzed, and celebrated, we still need to ask who holds the power to decide which pasts and perspectives are recognized, and whose voices – and what kind of voices – are listened to and analyzed, how and why? Moreover, we need to critically reflect on the structures of power and authority that practices and methods of oral history research foster.

The seventh international symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN will focus on the notions of power, authority, and voice in the context of oral history from critical contemporary perspective. The keynote speakers are Urvashi Butalia (Delhi, India), Erin Jessee (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK), Jonna Katto (Ghent University, Belgium), and Riikka Taavetti (University of Helsinki, Finland).

We wish to invite contributions focusing on methodological and ethical questions as well as on case studies. Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or panels and they can address but are not limited to the following themes and issues:

-Critical reflections on voices and silences

-Authorities of knowledge production in oral history

-Culturally dependent aesthetics of oral history and life writing

-Ideologies and politics of oral history and life writing

-Issues related to the nature of oral history as a social movement, form of activism, and academic practice

-Materiality and medium of the ‘voice’ (i.e. sound, writing, image)

-Dominance of the ‘tragic’, ‘traumatic’, and ‘devastating’ experiences

-Oral history and other disciplines

-Critical reflection on the geographies of oral history

Modalités de soumission

Les propositions de communication doivent inclure un titre et un résumé de 250 mots. Les propositions de panels doivent inclure une présentation du panel de 250 mots maximum ainsi que des résumés de chacune des communications de 250 mots maximum chacun. La langue de la conférence sera l’anglais.

Les propositions sont à envoyer à

Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 15 mai 2020, pour une réponse à la mi-juin 2020.

Tarif d’inscription à la conférence: standard 70 euros / 35 euros tarif étudiants

Toute demande d’informations est à adresser à :

Pour plus d’informations sur le symposium à venir, c’est ici. Voir aussi le site de Finnish Oral History Network: . Facebook: Finnish Oral History Network

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ariane Mak (4 mars 2020). Power, Authority, and Voice: Critical Reflections in/on Oral History. Histoire orale et archives orales. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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